Monday, December 8, 2008

stox poker

Collection of poker blogs and poker strategy from online poker pros

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

december 3

hey everyone!

just checking back to let everyone know that all is well with my goal to get back into the grinding and be successful this time!

i have finished exams but currently this week i am partaking in a summer school course so i can hopefully complete my degree.

since i posted last i have bought the program eyePoker by spadeEye which is a data-mining and table selection assister that i have started to use to collect some information on players on the ipoker network. this part of preparation is paramount i believe in my quest to fulfill my goal of making the most profit i can.

I cannot wait to get started but im also very aware that i need to take a slow and thorough  approach so that my goals can be achieved next year.

the next few days i will be buying holdem manager to create a brand new database and be up to date with the latest software possible to further my record keeping and any possible edges!

until next time (it will be soon, stay posted)


Monday, November 24, 2008

the new start

it's been over a year since i last came on here after a failed attempt at poker.

its funny because im here to restart but the difference is that its actually going to happen this time. im in the process of finishing exams but after that am looking to do the following things to prepare and organise for the plunge into low limit cash grinding for the goal of going to europe for roughly 3 months with my girlfriend towards the end of 2009. (i need $20,000, think its possible?)

1. finish exams and pass
2. find some data mining tools for the ipoker network
3. save money from work to build a starting bankroll
4. sort out the best and nessisary poker software to give me the biggest edge possible
5. sign up to an ipoker site aquiring the best possible rakeback offer
6. start the grind!

i look forward to using this blog as an informer to you all while attempting keep focused for the overall end goal.

must go, i have an exam to attend to.