Wednesday, February 25, 2009

wednesday the 25th

hey all

as i write im having a break between sessions, this morning has been pretty brutal with a 600 hand pretty much break even stint but oh well thats how poker is i guess.

having only started on monday i feel im slowly getting back into the groove, given that this is the first time i have played poker for 4 months i think im doing ok. some huge areas i need to work on that i have already found are obviously my hand reading skills and learning how to fold even when i have a nut hand to a slightly better hand and some basic math.

below are some stats thus far.
feel free to comment, i would love to hear from anybody!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

it's on!!

hey world

as of monday my dream should finally be a reality. i have finally finished university and im ready to take the plunge into low nl grinding

due to the horrendous AUD it has been harder for me to get together the money needed to start the initial bankroll of 2 k. i was originally going to start at the .25/.50 level but may be forced now to go down to the .10/.20 for a while to get the BR up to where i feel comfy. 

i have decieded to go with chilipoker on teh ipoker network due to their commitment to making players feel like their custom is appreciated through good VIP rewards.

the next post will be one in which the grind will have already started so wish me luck!!

adios, grauela!!