Tuesday, April 14, 2009

so far

well april has been a bad one. losing alot of money and now everything is really up in the air. im still gonna grind it out but i need some confidence that i can do it. i have been running bad but im sure there are many many leaks too.

this goal of getting to Europe keeps getting further and further away, im still confident however, im on the right track

also going to be playing some double shoot outs on stars as i have had past sucess in them and im hoping i can make some good profit from them.

here are a few stat images, see what you think .

so far

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April goals

1. To play 35,000 hands minimum

2. $2,000 profit from cash games

3. get out a bit more and enjoy life

4. maintain 25-30 hours work at the caffe/restaurant

5. keep enjoying poker.

gl to you all!!