Tuesday, April 14, 2009

so far

well april has been a bad one. losing alot of money and now everything is really up in the air. im still gonna grind it out but i need some confidence that i can do it. i have been running bad but im sure there are many many leaks too.

this goal of getting to Europe keeps getting further and further away, im still confident however, im on the right track

also going to be playing some double shoot outs on stars as i have had past sucess in them and im hoping i can make some good profit from them.

here are a few stat images, see what you think .


handimtw said...

I'm confident that you have what it takes to drive through the stale-mates that poker brings. Graph shows that you are up 214 even after a ten buy-in downswing. I know when you are personally taking the beating its gets to you but you are in the positive, try to look at it that way. I just had a 15 buy-in downswing at .5/.10 and I took a week off and played live poker (won $500). Now I'm coming out of it and so far on a 8 buy-in upswing. Moral of the story take a couple of days off with your lady and enjoy life. Tell me the time frame on the Europe trip and money amount your are shooting for?
I see that your red line: money won without showdown is way down like mine. I have tried to correct this with a few more three-bets with air. Also focusing on one weak person at the table and when he raises put the preasure on hard for all streets. These two have helped some. On the bottom left chart number 5) raiser, is that you calling after someone has opened the pot?
If you have Skype I can sweat you on a day if that is something that you are comfortable with. I know it would bug some people. Just a thought.

Guin said...

Great blog and don't worry about downswings... keep on working with the stoxpoker guys and things will be fine.

Lets do a sweat session and see if we can figure out what we both are doing wrong!