Monday, May 4, 2009

April, a month to forget

im not too sure what happened in march yes i ran bad, im not hiding from that fact as can be seen in the stats but i wasn't into it and im sure there was some bad playX 100 happening as well.

im not sure what to do now, the monetary goals are right out the window, i lost 200$ extra than what the stats say due to a little expirement on stars so it was real bad. im optimistic i can turn it all around this month its a fresh month im doing a few different things, the only thing i need now is some luck and some determination to get up now that winter has started to set in its so so hard to get out of bed a 4-5 am!!!

pls wish me luck this month i really need to prove to myself and others i can do this, this is pretty much it in terms of chances if it does not happen this month then i will probably be looking for another job.