Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday the 5th

hey guys

as poker goes the last few days have been up and down but today i came out of a little 3k hand rough spot as can be seen in the graph and session stats

Life is continuing to carry on, i work about 25 hours a week at a caffe/restaurant. im working mostly nights which is good for poker as i get up at about 5:30 am to play but the long days are already taking their toll. Being tired is not a good thing for my poker but also for life in general.

In the next few weeks once my routine with work and poker is settled i will be incorporating my gym work which will work nicely with my attempt to eat well.

I hope my luck continues as i strive for a big enough BR to be able to move up to nl50 in the next week or so. today as you can see i ran way above EV but i think i deserved it!! :)

adios! thanks for reading!